Creating a Daily Routine that supports Preschooler development

May 29, 2024
Creating a Daily Routine that supports Preschooler development

How to create a daily routine for the preschoolers and in what way it enables their development

Creating a daily routine is essential for all preschoolers. This helps them to follow a well planned
schedule on a daily basis. Daily routines when followed consistently help the preschoolers to develop
good habits for life time. Its better to include the preschooler while planning their daily routine. Visible
reminders in the form of pictures on a chart help them to understand the tasks better. Like; morning
routines include Bathroom time(brushing, bathing, changing clothes), Breakfast time, Study time,
Playtime, Clean up time, lunch time, nap time, outdoor time, dinner time…At the initial stages they need
guidance and supervision, eventually over the time they will perform the tasks independently.

Make the daily routine fun and learning

Planning the daily routine along with your preschooler itself is fun. Encourage them to share their ideas.
This would encourage them to come up with a daily routine according to their understanding.
Simultaneously ask them how they are planning to go about the tasks laid down. This will encourage
them to come up with creative ideas to accomplish them. This induces a sense of responsibility within
them. This should be done before they start with the routine.

Link activities to avoid boredom

To avoid boredom when the same tasks are repeated on a daily basis surprise them with a fun time in
between from their schedule. Sense it before it could affect them and come up with some idea which
will erase their boredom altogether and then get involved in the next task without any hassles. Start
with a daily routine for a week then change it for the next one. Include basic household chores along the
way. Each task should be scheduled in such a way that it is performed in different locations, like;
bedroom, living room, balcony, outdoors……this will give the preschoolers a sense of change in activity
and environment which place a major role in accomplishing each task. Different environment gives them
different experience for them to learn from.

Opportunity to bond with you preschooler

As mentioned earlier, utilize this time to bond with your preschooler right from the moment you plan to
put down a daily routine for your preschooler. Talk to them and share ideas. Check on them time to
time. At the end of the day before bedtime ask them how their day was. This is a great way to check if
things are on right track. Until asked avoid assisting them in their tasks, because small challenges brings
out the best in them to face and complete it. This develops resilience in them which comes handy when
they start schooling.

Include music time

Playing music of their choice or singing a song together would be a wonderful way to energies them
during their tasks. It could be used as way of break from the task or singing about the task itself will gain
their attention and it will start becoming a fun task. Through a song you can describe the task and how it
needs to be done like; how to brush the teeth, wash hands and its benefits….

Why routines?

Daily routines develop healthy habits

When daily routines are followed consistently it
becomes healthy habits for the preschoolers. It requires patience and diligent repetition.
Familiarity breeds confidence. Even like greeting people (eg: Good morning), using the three
golden words (Please, thank you and sorry)….. These habits then become lifelong good habits.

Daily routine develop life skills-

Daily routine develop life skills-

-Self reliance
-Sense of timing
-Humanity, and Socializing

Daily routines reduce preschoolers screen time-

They are busy with their daily routines that they find little screen time left. It makes them physically active thereby healthy and vigilant. It’s a great way of honing their social skills.

At the end of it let’s not forget to appreciate the preschoolers when they finish their scheduled tasks.
This makes them happy, a sense of accomplishment. This also encourages them to look forward to the
next day’s tasks, new challenges and new experiences. You can let them place stars or smiley’s or hearts
when they finish each task. And at the end of the week based on the number of stars for example you
can treat them for an ice cream or a picnic. Either way it’s a win win situation for parents. Lets give it a
try and don’t forget to share your interesting experiences, coz whenever a child is involved it is sure
going to be wonderful and full of surprises.

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